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Montmartre, France

Fort Erie Secondary School, Art Class (450-01/Mr. Dunn) was a turning point for this Southpaw and the Arts. Learning everything from basic shapes, to the centre of interest and what make up the characteristics of a good centre of interest. I learned that "a picture is a story" and it has characters, some more important than others. However; every picture has a narrative story with 3 important features; a setting, a place, and time. The characters perform an action to create the interest/setting, and this action has a place and time. With this one art class discussion many years ago, I was able to comprehend the visual arts that I know today.  

After graduation, I made it my mission to purchase art supplies so, I went to a local paint supply store for tubes of Grumbacher oils.  Fast forward 35+years, I still have a few of these tubes that work just as good today as they did back then. 

Over the years, I pursued my choice of career while raising two girls with my amazing husband of 34 years. We purchased our first home in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada  over thirty years ago and still reside in it today.  Our home is well lived in with love and the company of our companion Juno, an English Setter. Art, photography and a wide genre of music are staple items in our home that truly make it a home.   

I've always enjoyed the challenges I make for myself as a Naïve artists. The talent of a keen eye is the greatest tool in creating any work of art and with this, each character shared on my site here, brings complete pleasure and a smile of accomplishment to "my story."

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